Wednesday, 10 May 2017

The Acidentally Stolen Money

Everyone was lying on the floor in silence with eyes closed at the start of class, connecting with the universe and their true selves.

Someone very quietly slipped some money for me in through the door, it was wrapped up in one of my programs. I was the only one who saw.

There were a lot of money transactions and enquiries after class as I had some new people. There was a tidy sum of money when I counted it after everyone had left, but I felt there should have been more.

I remembered the money that had been dropped in and went to get it but it wasn't there! I looked all around on the floor and behind the big shoe box, but it wasn't there. No one has ever taken money from the studio, it goes with trusting people and honesty that are part of the yogic system of beliefs.

The girl who left the money had sent me a txt saying she had.

I replied "Someone's taken it."

She replied "OMG! It had $70 in it."

Then she rang me up.

The money was actually from the lady she takes care of who comes to me every week for a half hour massage (sometimes she nods off in the chair, it's so relaxing) and now she had started coming to yoga, which is wonderful as she has dementia.

When her carer rang me I told her I knew who had taken it because they had been sitting where the money had been left, everyone else had been standing.

We discussed what to do and tbe plan worked.

I rang up the person and said "Hi _____, did you see a crumpled up program where you were sitting?

"Yes," they said, "It's in my bag."

"Well you better have a look in it," I said.

I heard scrabbling as they looked through their bag.

"Oh my God! It's got $70 in it!"

I said, "I know. I better come and get it." And I did.

They appoligised, "I'm so sorry, I put the program in my bag to give to my daughter, incase she wanted one."

I stopped to fill up with petrol seeing as I was out. I told the attendant how I had got my money back that had been accidentally stolen.

She couldn't believe her ears.

I didn't gossip or spread tales. She was just as astonished at my forgiving attitude.

I shook my head as I said, "I would have trusted her with my life"

She replied, "One day she will accidentally take your life."

My eyes are open now.

It all worked out well, I never told anyone who took it and I didn't loose my ______ing lady, because that was the most important of all, I couldn't loose my ______ing lady.

(I can't tell, because that would be telling).

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