Tuesday, 14 January 2014

VI Character Synopsis

Note: The author is developing the new skill of balancing in lotus posture on a large pink exercise ball while writing this story.

Part VI is a character analysis of the cast so far, so we can keep them all straight. (apart from David who was mentioned in the dedication  to part IV who Puss loves just the way he is)

The story is about a little girl who used to be called Sarah but I have changed her name to Lucy. This is not the first time Sarah has changed her name, here is a list of all her names and their meanings:

Sarah: means Princess
Sarah James: reflects her ancestors affiliations with King James of Scotland (an educated guess)
Sarah Hope: her Grandmothers name was Hope
Sarah Hope-James: she had not officially divorced her family
Kirchen: (this german name means church, ultimately it hadn't suited her)
Sarah Hope-Kirchen: Sarah had had hope for the church but she dropped the Kirchen and changed it to... 
Sahasra: New Beginnings
Sarah Sahasra Hope:  the Princess of the New beginnings of Hope, woohoo what a doosy!
[wow wait till you hear what she names the snail]

Much simpler if we just call her Lucy.

The Security Banket: Lucy's imaginary friend. It should be noted that the security blanket hasn't appeared in the story so far and we only know of his existence because he has been mentioned.

The Fish: David hasn't changed; he is still her humour because she thinks he is so funny. The famous, funny yet loyal Fish, who is widely praised for his good nature and not led astray like superficial celebrities, though I think it may have been noticed that he is slightly self-centred...she said balancing with great poise in lotus posture on her pink exercise ball.

Certain miscellaneous celebrities who are called upon from time to time to play different parts in the story, so far we have been introduced to Lucy's favorite actors, Ewen McGregor and Julia Roberts and also Meryl Streep who plays insanity.

The Cat: Lucy's ego, who goes with her everywhere and has changed it's name to Puss so as to keep it's identity separate from the other Cats in Lucy's family.

The Cat family: You will find their names entered on the 'insert name of friend page', the list is growing daily. There is one who has been mentioned by the name of Deb. I have also seen it mentioned that the family also includes dog lovers, I saw one named JESS. At first I thought Jess may have been a cat, like Postman Pat's cat, (Jess is a cat and it's always been like that) but apparently she prefers dogs. I have also seen a picture of the security blanket in the disguise of a dog floating around in space. Dogs and Cats are opposite but they can also be the best of friends, except when they fight with each other.

The fire truck: Their method of transportation (because the police confiscated the Cat's red convertible for reckless driving and righteous indignation that had caused her to refuse pay unfair fines)

The Washing Woman: Mrs Tiggywinkle

The caterpillar is: very hungry (which reminds me it's brunch time, which has since turned into lunch time)

The wicked witch in Rapunzel: Lucy's mother

The worm: Lucy's father who is the character: misfortune

Polly the Parrot: Lucy's sister

Pignig: the evil picnic rug

The Fish bowl: holds much potential

Norah: A fairy Godmother

Megan: The Fairy Godmother's daughter

Three Snails who's identities have not yet become apparent. One died and has been replaced with a large size snail, who is about to revealed...

This is called a Wonder Snail,
it is a bottom feeder.
It is obviously highly valued with an asking price of $110.00.
I can clearly see the sun shines out of its arse.

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